Sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, the main antioxidant that dissolves in fat. Vitamin E circulates throughout the body and neutralizes free radicals that would otherwise damage fat-containing structures and molecules such as cell membranes, brain cells and cholesterol.

Sunflower seeds have the highest phytosterol content of all seeds. Phytosterols are compounds found in plants and have a chemical structure very similar to cholesterol. Sufficient amount of phytosterol in food can lead to lowering cholesterol levels, increasing the body’s defenses and preventing certain types of cancer. Seeds are also a good source of magnesium. Numerous studies have shown that magnesium can alleviate the severity of asthma, lower blood pressure and migraine symptoms, headaches and also affect the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Antioxidants that help

Seeds are a source of vitamin E, which is one of the most important antioxidants It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with asthma and arthritis. As an antioxidant, it acts against free radicals, which cause skin aging, heart disease or allegedly even cancer.

They improve mood

For some, any food causes joy and a better mood, sunflower seeds can “do” it in a different way. They have enough magnesium, which is a mineral that relieves depression, insomnia, headaches. In addition to sunflower seeds, the mood is improved, for example, by meat from fish, crops that have been grown in soil rich in this mineral.

Sunflower seeds and health

  • sunflower seeds support the building of muscle mass
  • they have a positive effect on both the skin and the hair and nails
  • they reduce stress and depression
  • contains folic acid, which fights high blood cholesterol – so no clots form
  • The seeds themselves have a desiccating effect, so tea from them is used against cough as well as a preparation against diarrhea
  • reduce inflammatory processes
  • help in the treatment of high blood pressure
  • help regulate blood glucose levels
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • satiety
  • contain healthy omega-6 fatty acids,
  • they help to feel full.
  • In folk medicine, they are used in the treatment of many disease states. They are effective in cough, rhinitis or whooping cough, but they can also deal with cardiovascular diseases, bronchial or lung infections.


Although popular and inexpensive, their use has one snag. Constipation. If you eat a lot of them and eat them too often, you will not avoid it and it will not be the best. We should also be aware that they are caloric, so eating them at night is not recommended.

When buying sunflower seeds, make sure that they are not processed – for example, roasted or salted. In principle, even a healthy food can be harmful in large quantities, and this is doubly true of sunflower seeds. Thirty grams of raw sunflower seeds contain approximately 175 calories, which is approximately ten percent of the average recommended caloric intake per day.

In addition to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, they also contain saturated fatty acids with the potential to increase cholesterol. However, other substances in sunflower seeds can also cause problems: 150 grams of seeds contain more than 1.6 milligrams of phosphorus, which represents up to 232 percent of the recommended daily intake of this trace element. In the same amount you will also find an excess of selenium, respectively. 111 micrograms, which is 202 percent of the recommended daily intake of selenium. Excessive intake of these nutrients can lead to health problems. In the case of phosphorus for soft tissue calcification Excess selenium is also toxic – it causes fatigue, irritability, skin rashes, brittle hair and nails.

Recommended dose: a quarter of a cup

How to include sunflower seeds in your diet?

  • add them to your breakfast porridge
  • mix them together with other fruits and vegetables into a smoothie
  • sprinkle them with salad (don’t forget the source of quality protein so that the salad fills you for as long as possible)
  • add them to your favorite yogurt
  • they also taste great as a sprinkle on muffins or when added to any dough
  • add them to the pesto
  • add them to homemade protein bars
  • mix them and make “sunflower butter”

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin is one of the healthiest foods! But don’t you forget about pumpkin seeds? These are also full of nutrients that our body needs, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and vitamin K..

They are the only alkaline-producing seeds in a world full of highly acidified diets.

Add pumpkin seeds to the list of protein-rich foods. Consuming 100 grams of seeds will give you up to 54% of your daily protein needs. Most of us take tablets and vitamins in capsules to supplement vitamin B deficiency. Next time, try pumpkin seeds. They are a source of B vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

Pumpkin seeds help fight unpleasant depression. The chemical component L-tryptophan is a secret ingredient to improve mood. Did you know that pumpkin seeds can prevent the formation of kidney stones? Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds can prevent the formation of some specific kidney stones consisting mainly of calcium oxalates. They are also rich in protein, magnesium, fiber and phosphorus. They will serve as a healthy replacement for chips and other salty snacks while watching an interesting television program. They can even be eaten in several ways, whether raw or baked. However, make sure that the temperature does not exceed 170 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. Pumpkin seeds can add a great taste to salads, soups and sauces.

The secret of pumpkin seeds is that they even fight parasites, especially tapeworms.

They contain important nutrients

Pumpkin seeds are full of nutrients – they are rich in zinc, magnesium, iron and selenium. The oil obtained from them is mainly characterized by the content of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which is particularly valuable for its antioxidant effect. In addition to vitamin E, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), C, A and D can also be found here. 100 grams of pumpkin seeds have 565 calories and 25.5 grams of protein.

Rich in antioxidants

Pumpkin seeds are rich in scavengers of radicals, so-called antioxidants. Free radicals, which we absorb mainly from polluted environments and unhealthy diets, damage our body and its cells. Vitamin E contained in pumpkin seeds and carotenoids have an antioxidant effect and can thus actively contribute to the protection of our health. Animal studies have shown that pumpkin seed oil has positive results in the treatment of arthritis. After administration to rats for an extended period of time, the inflammatory findings of arthritis decreased.

They can reduce the risk of cancer

Those who include pumpkin seeds in their diet can prevent certain types of cancer – breast, lung, prostate, colon or rectum. According to a long-term study, consuming seeds reduces the risk of breast cancer, especially in menopausal women. However, they also bring benefits to men. The study showed that they can slow down cell growth in prostate cancer. One study conducted in Germany confirmed that women who regularly have a 23% lower risk of developing breast cancer. Pumpkin seeds contain a compound that successfully fights cancer cells of various types.

Rich in magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals, it helps our body regulate blood pressure, maintains bone stability and prevents heart disease. The pumpkin kernels contain it blessedly (535 milligrams per 100 grams).

They can improve heart health

Pumpkin seeds are an ideal food for the prevention of heart disease. Our body supplies magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, linoleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids. Although they have a relatively high fat content (45 grams per 100 grams), they are very healthy for our cardiovascular system. This is because unsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure. The nucleoli protect against arteriosclerosis and can also prevent heart attacks and strokes.

They lower blood sugar

They are especially healthy for type 2 diabetics because they help maintain relative blood sugar levels with a low glycemic index. Several studies have already shown this. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of various studies shows that sufficient magnesium can prevent type 2 diabetes. The better the study participants were supplied with magnesium, the lower their risk of developing a metabolic disorder.

They improve sleep

For all those who have trouble falling asleep, pumpkin seeds can be a healthy and natural solution. The amino acid tryptophan, contained in crunchy nuclei, can act against sleep disorders. Even one gram of tryptophan per day (approximately 200 grams of seeds) has been shown to improve sleep quality.

Prevents depression

They also work effectively in the field of mental health, alleviate the symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety.

Contributes to weight loss

Thanks to the proteins and fiber inside, you will be satiated for longer. Only 30 grams of this delicacy contains about 5 grams of protein and about 285 calories. If you consume them regularly but in moderation instead of other sweets, you will soon feel the results.

Relieves the symptoms of arthritis

They have anti-inflammatory properties that provide relief from the symptoms of arthritis. Just 30 g of these seeds and you will immediately be relieved of the symptoms.

Protects against diabetes

Pumpkin seeds are great for regulating blood sugar levels precisely because they are rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Diabetics should consume them daily.

They will help with insomnia

By consuming them a few hours before bedtime, they become an excellent remedy for insomnia, as they contribute to increased secretion of melatonin and serotonin.

They strengthen the immune system

They are rich in magnesium and zinc, important minerals for strengthening the immune system. So, consume seeds and problems with weakened immunity will be a thing of the past!

Racionela sunflower and pumpkin seeds


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